Totem Animals


Keynote: Awakening the Power of the Unconscious

Cycle of Power: Spring and Summer

Associations: Healing, medical diagnosis, strength

Magickal Attributes: Strength and stamina; can help you find balance and harmony in your life. Patience, defense, revenge, wisdom, dreams, intuition, listening, introspection, death and rebirth, transformation. Seek quiet places for answers and harmony in your life. A creature of dreams, astral travel, visionaries, mystics, and shamans. To bring balance and harmony.

Themes: Astral Realm, Courage, Leadership, Power, Protection, Reincarnation, Spirituality, Tenacity.

Correspondences: Artemis, Callisto, Diana, Earth, Thor, Zeus

History and Folklore: Many shamanic traditions consider bear hair a potent amulet for power and courage and to ward off disease. In the world's folktales the bear is often characterized as a guardian and helpmate to those who seek spiritual insights or to travel the astral realm safely. Additionally, because of the bear's hibernation cycle, it has often been associated with death and rebirth
In Native American traditions the bear represents unmatched strength, leadership, and tenacity. On the medicine wheel, those born between August 22 and September 22 are under the bear spirit's influence and will find themselves to be paced, watchful, and somewhat unobtrusive unless called to action. Finally, in dream imagery, a running bear portends joy and fighting a bear implies you will soon face oppression.

Exerpt Taken from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews ©1993 by Ted Andrews and Llewellyn Publications Inc.pps 120-121
Exerpt Taken from Animal Magick by D.J.Conway ©2003 by D.J.Conway and Llewellyn Publications 106