Totem Animals


Keynote: Gentleness and Innocence — Gentle Luring to New Adventure

Cycle of Power: Autumn and Spring

Associations: Nature

Magickal Attributes: Keen scent, grace, swiftness, gentleness. Using other methods to reach your goals than force. Being alert for any danger. A white deer in meditation often bears a message or will lead you to someone or something that will reveal spiritual knowledge. Hunting and seeking , abundance, dreams, intuition, introspection, listening, death and rebirth, transformation. Accept others as they are and don't try to change them. Woodland Goddess, psychic powers, alternative paths to a goal.

Exerpt Taken from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews ©1993 by Ted Andrews and Llewellyn Publications Inc.pps 120-121
Exerpt Taken from Animal Magick by D.J.Conway ©2003 by D.J.Conway and Llewellyn Publications 118