Totem Animals


Keynote: Secrets and Vision of the Hidden and Unseen

Cycle of Power: Winter

Associations: Visionquesting, visionary work, cutting-edge mentality

Magickal Attributes: Suspicion, vigilance, keenness of sight. Can lead you to understanding mystic mysteries and occult secrets. Can help with divination skills and developing the psychic senses. Discovering secrets about either yourself or someone close to you. Sometimes a lynx is seen when one needs to look within the self and see the truth of what one actually is. At other times, it signals the approaching ability to move through time and space in astral travel. Seeking to find and understand ancient mystical and secret mysteries.

Exerpt Taken from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews ©1993 by Ted Andrews and Llewellyn Publications Inc.pps 120-121
Exerpt Taken from Animal Magick by D.J.Conway ©2003 by D.J.Conway and Llewellyn Publications Inc.pps 82-83