June 21st

On the 1st day of Summer (which normally occurs on or near this date), the Summer Solstice Sabbat is celebrated by Wiccans and Witches throughout the world. Summer Solstice (which is also known as Midsummer, Alban Hefin, and Litha) marks the longest day of the year when the sun is at its zenith. In certain Wiccan traditions, the Summer Solstice symbolized the end of the reign of the waxing year's Oak-King, who is now replaced by his successor, the Holly King of the waning year. (The Holly-King will rule until the Winter Solstice.) It is the ideal time for divinations, healing rituals, and the cutting of divining rods and wands.
On Midsummer Day, the people of ancient Russia worshipped the fertility goddess Kupala. To ensure female fertility and abundant crops, she was honored with bonfires, sacrifices of cockarels, and special wreaths that were cast into the rivers.