Gods and Goddesses
Pon (something)

TYPE: Supreme creator god

ORIGIN: Siberia - Yukaghir [Southeastern Siberia]

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP: from prehistoric times until circa 1900 CE

SYNONYMS: Pon-yu'lec (something got dark); Pon-o'moc (something has become good); Pon-ti'boi (something makes rain); Cu'kun

LITERARY SOURCE: Jochelson "Memoirs of the American Natural History Society" Vol. 10 (1905)

INFORMATION: Pon is a vague and indefinite creator spirit who controls all visible phenomena of nature. As far as can be ascertained, no specific cult was ever addressed to this deity; he seems to be a remote figure, largely out of touch with everyday life. No invocations or prayers are addressed to Pon, nor are sacrifices.