
The common English name "daisy" refers to "day's eye",
because the flower closes up in the evening and on shady days. Its
botanical name, Bellis perennis, originates from the Latin term for
"beautiful". Long ago, daisy wreaths were placed under children's pillows
to protect them from cramps. Today, the daisy still symbolizes innocence.

Common Name:
Botanical Name:
Bellis perennis
Europe, Asia.
Plant Facts:
The daisy is a member of the aster family. The short-haired, leafless stalk bears a single flower and can grow to a height of 4 inches in a sunny location. The young, fresh leaves and blossoms have a pleasantly tart, aromatic to slightly bitter flavor.
The daisy is found abundantly throughout Europe and Asia. THe undermanding plant grows in grassy areas, on paths and along roads, in lawns, fields and meadows.
Plant parts:
The fresh flowers and leaves, and sometimes the stem as well, are used medicinally. The flowers and leaves can be dried in a shady, well-ventilated spot.
Daisies contain saponines—which have a diuretic effect and stimulate metabolism—as well as bitter components—which promote all gastrointestinal functions—and tannins, an astringent that tones the tissues.
Conventional medicine does not use the daisy. However, the medicinal effect of the plant continues to be valued in folk medicine. Daisy boosts metabolism by the liver and gallbladder, promotes the appetite and has a mild analgesic, antispasmodic effect. In addition, it promotes perspiration and is a slight laxative. Daisy tea is particularly good option for a course of blood-purifying treatments, as well as for relieving gout and rheumatism symptoms. It may be useful for lung congestion and infections, such as flu or bronchitis. It is probably most popularly used as a compress to alleviate the swelling of bruises, varicose veins and sprained muscles and to help heal wounds.
A Little Lore:
The daisy traditionally symbolizes modesty; in Victorian times, it was a popular name for sweet young girls.
Methods of Administration::
  • Tea Infusion:
    Pour 1 cup if boiling water over each tsp. of dried herb (flowers and leaves). Strain after about 10 min. Drink 1 cup at least 2-3 times daily. The tea can be mixed with other medicinal plants that stimulate metabolism, such as dandelion or chicory.

  • Compresses:
    Saturate a compress with daisy tea. Place the compress on the affected area.

  • Tincture:
    Steep 1 oz. of the dried herb in 5 oz. of vodka for 2 weeks. Shake daily. Strain off and store in a tightly closed bottle. Take 20-40 drops of the tincture 3 times daily.

  • Pressed Juice:
    In spring, when there is an abundance of flowers, take 1 tbsp. of pressed juice in a small glass of water each day. Juice from the entire plant helps to detoxify the body and acts as a cleansing agent, while promoting digestive function. It also helps improve a poor appetite and energizes the body.

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