
Three species of trees and shrubs belong to this genus, which occurs in Australasia and New Guinea. Duboisia myoporoides is found on sandy soils in open forests, rainforest margins, and coastal dunes. It is a major source of tropane alkaloids for the pharmaceutical industry. These include atropine, hyoscine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine, which occur in other members of the nightshade family, such as Atropa bella-donna (See, deadly nightshade), Hyoscyamus niger (See, henbane), and Scopolia carniolica (See, scopolia). In Australia, hybrids of D. leichardtii and D. myoporoides have been developed that yield over three percent total alkaloids. Duboisia is named after Charles Du Bois (1656-1740), treasurer of the East India Company, who compiled a large herbarium.

The small Australian corkwood tree grows on the margins of rain forests and is named for its soft, corky, yellow-gray bark. Its leaves contain an alkaloid called duboisine, which is very similar to the drug hyoscyamine, used to treat bladder spasms, pancreatitis, and disorders of the intestinal tract, and to control the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Small tree or tall shrub, with soft, spoon-shaped leaves. Tiny white to pale lavender, bell-shaped flowers, 6mm (¼in) across, appear from late winter to spring, followed by small, juicy, black berries, 6mm (¼in) long, containing 6-12 seeds.

Common Name:
Other Names:
Corkwood, Cork Tree, Eyeplant
Botanical Name:
Duboisia myoporoides
Native Location:
Native to Australia (Queensland and New South Wales), New Caledonia, and New Guinea.
Sandy soil in sun with high humidity. Trim plants regularly to control size.
By seed sown when ripe.
Leaves are collected during the flowering season and dried for processing.
12m (40ft)
2-5m (6-15ft)
Min. 15-18°C (59-64°F)
Parts Used:
Leaves, stem, root
A bitter, hypnotic, sedative herb that dilates the pupils and stimulates respiration.
Medicinal Uses:
In homeopathy for eye complaints. For use by qualified practitioners only.
To ease hunger, pain, and fatigue; to prevent nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness; to decrease gastrointestinal spasms.
Typical Dose:
There is no typical dose of corkwood.
Possible Side Effects:
Corkwood's side effects include confusion, anxiety, restlessness, and dizziness.
Drug Interactions:
Taking corkwood with these drugs may enhance the drug's therapeutic and/or adverse effects:
Acetominophen and Codeine, (Capital and Codeine, Tylenol with Codeine)
Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, and Pseudoephedrine, (Children's Tylenol Plus Cold, Sinutab Sinus Allergy Maximum Strength)
Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan, and Pseudoephedrine, (Alka-Seltzer Plud Flu Liqui-Gels, Sudafed Severe Cold)
Acrivastine and Pseudoephedrine, (Semprex-D)
Alfentanil, (Alfenta)
Amitriptyline, (Elavil, Levate)
Amitriptyline and Chlordiazepoxide, (Limbitrol)
Amitriptyline and Perphenazine, (Etrafon, Triavil)
Amoxapine, (Asendin)
Aspirin and Codeine, (Coryphen Codeine)
Azatadine, (Optimine)
Azatadine and Pseudoephedrine, (Rynatan Tablet, Trinalin)
Azelastine, (Astelin, Optivar)
Belladonna and Opium, (B&O Supprettes)
Bropheniramine and Pseudoephedrine, (Children's Dimetapp Elixir Cold & Allergy, Lodrane)
Buprenorphine, (Buprenex, Subutex)
Buprenorphine and Naloxone, (Suboxone)
Butorphanol, (Apo-Butorphanol, Stadol)
Carbinoxamine, (Histex CT, Histex PD)
Carbinoxamine and Pseudoephedrine, (Rondec Drops, Sildec)
Carbinoxamine, Pseudoephedrine, and Dextromethorphan, (Rondex-DM Drops, Tussafed)
Cetirizine, (Reactine, Zyrtec)
Chlorpheniramine and Acetominophen, (Coricidin HBP Cold and Flue)
Chlorpheniramine and Phenylephrine, (Histatab Plus, Rynatan)
Chlorpheniramine, Ephedrine, Phenylephrine, and Carbetapentane, (Rynatuss, Tynatuss Pediatric)
Chlorpheniramine, Phenylephrine and Dextromethorphan, (Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough)
Chlorpheniramine, Phenylephrine and Methscopolamine, (AH-Chew, Extendryl)
Chlorpheniramine, Phenylephrine, and Phenyltoloxamine, (Comhist, Nalex-A)
Chlorpheniramine, Phenylephrine, Codeine and Potassium Iodide, (Pediacof)
Chlorpheniramine, Pseudoephedrine, and Codeine, (Dihistine DH, Ryna-C)
Chlorpheniramine, Pseudoephedrine, and Dextromethorphan, (Robitussin Pediatric Night Relief, Vicks Pediatric 44M)
Chlorpromazine, (Largactil, Thorazine)
Cimetidine, (Nu-Cimet, Tagamet)
Clemastine, (Tavist Allergy)
Clomipramine, (Anafranil, Novo-Clopramine)
Codeine, (Codeine Contin)
Cyclobenzaprine, (Flexiril, Novo-Cycloprine)
Cyproheptadine, (Periactin)
Deptropine, (Deptropine FNA)
Desipramine, (Alti-Desipramine, Norpramin)
Desloratadine, (Aerius, Clarinex)
Dexbrompheniramine and Pseudoephedrine, (Drixomed, Drixoral Cold & Allergy)
Dexchlorpheniramine, (Polaramine)
Dihydrocodeine, Aspirin, and Caffeine, (Synalgos-DC)
Dimethindene, (Fenistil)
Diphenhydramine, (Benadryl Allergy, Nytol)
Diphenhydramine and Pseudoephedrine, (Benadryl Allergy/Decongestant, Benadryl Children's Allergy and Sinus)
Doxepin, (Sinequan, Zonalon)
Epinastine, (Elestat)
Famotidine, (Apo-Famotidine, Pepcid)
Fentanyl, (Actiq, Duragesic)
Fexofenadine, (Allegra)
Fexofenadine and Pseudoephedrine, (Allegra-D)
Fluphenazine, (Modecate, Prolixin)
Haloperidol, (Haldol, Novo-Peridol)
Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen, (Zydone, Vicodin)
Hydrocodone and Aspirin, (Damason-P)
Hydrocodone and Chlorpheniramine, (Tussionex)
Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen, (Vicoprofen)
Hydrocodone, Carbinoxamine and Pseudoephedrine, (Histex HC, Tri-Vent HC)
Hydromorphone, (Dilaudid, PMS-Hydromorphone)
Hydroxyzine, (Atarax, Vistaril)
Imipramine, (Apo-Imipramine, Tofranil)
Ketotifen, (Novo-Ketotifen, Zaditor)
Levocabastine, (Livostin)
Levomethadyl Acetate Hydrochloride, (Levomethadyl Acetate Hydrochloride)
Levorphanol, (LevoDromoran)
Lofepramine, (Feprapax, Gamanil)
Loratadine, (Alavert, Claritin)
Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine, (Claritin-D 12 Hour, Claritin-D 24 Hour)
Mebhydrolin, (Bexidal, Incidal)
Melitracen, (Dixeran)
Meperidine, (Demerol, Meperitab)
Meperidine and Promethazine, (Meperidine and Promethazine)
Mesoridazine, (Serentil)
Methadone, (Dolophine, Methadose)
Mizolastine, (Elina, Mizollen)
Morphine Sulfate, (Kadian, MS Contin)
Nalbuphine, (Nubain)
Nizatidine, (Axid, PMS-Nizatidine)
Nortriptyline, (Aventyl HCl, Pamelor)
Olopatadine, (Patanol)
Opium Tincture, (Opium Tincture)
Oxatomide, (Cenacert, Tinset)
Oxycodone, (OxyContin, Roxicodone)
Oxycodone and Acetominophen, (Endocet, Percocet)
Oxycodone and Aspirin, (Endodan, Percodan)
Oxymorphone, (Numorphan)
Paregoric, (Paregoric)
Pentazocine, (Talwin)
Perphenazine, (Apo-Perphenazine, Trilafon)
Phenoperidine, (Phenoperidine)
Prochlorperazine, (Compazine, Compro)
Promethazine, (Phenergan)
Promethazine and Codeine, (Phenergan with Codeine)
Promethazine and Dextromethorphan, (Promatussin DM)
Promethazine and Phenylephrine, (Promethazine and Phenylephrine)
Promethazine, Phenylephrine, and Codeine, (Promethazine, Phenylephrine and Codeine)
Propoxyphene, (Darvon, Darvon-N)
Propoxyphene and Acetaminophen, (Darvocet-N 50, Darvocet-N 100)
Propoxyphene, Aspirin, and Caffeine, (Darvon Compound)
Protriptyline, (Vivactil)
Ranitidine, (Alti-Ranitidine, Zantac)
Remifentanil, (Ultiva)
Sufentanil, (Sufenta)
Thiethylperazine, (Torecan)
Thioridazine, (Mellaril)
Thiothixene, (Navane)
Trifluoperazine, (Novo-Trifluzine, Stelazine)
Trimipramine, (Apo-Trimip, Surmontil)
Tripelennamine, (PBZ, PBZ-SR)
Triprolidine and Pseudoephedrine, (Actifed Cold and Allergy, Silafed)
Triprolidine, Pseudoephedrine, and Codeine, (CoActifed, Covan)
Economic Uses:
A source of pharmaceutical alkaloids.
This herb and D. leichardtii are subject to legal restrictions in some countries.
Encyclopedia of herbs by Deni Brown Copyright © 1995, 2001 Dorling Kindersley Limited. pg 198