Sphagnum Moss

This genus consists of about 100 species of bog mosses, found in wet bogs from tropical to Arctic and sub-Antarctic regions. The absorbent sponge-like tissues are important in regulating water loss from various habitats. Decomposed sphagnum is a major component of peat, known for its preservative properties, which has been exploited as a soil conditioner and basis for potting mixes by the horticultural industry. Bog mosses have a long history of use by Eskimos, Lapps, Kashmiris, and Gaelic peoples for absorbent and antiseptic purposes, such as for menstruation, babies' diapers, and as a stable litter. Sphagnum dressings have also been widely used in military field hospitals. Sphagnum japonicum is used internally in a Chinese formula to treat epidemic dysentery. Extracts of decomposed peat moss, such as peat tar and sphagnol, are cheap and effective astringent, antibiotic, and anti-pruritic treatments for skin diseases and irritations.

Dense, clump-forming moss with pale yellow-green foliage, often tinged bright green or salmon -pink. Dark brown fruit capsules are produced in summer.

Common Name:
Sphagnum Moss
Other Names:
Bog Moss
Botanical Name:
Sphagnum cymbilifolium
Native Location:
NW Europe
Wet, acid soil in sun or partial shade.
By stem cuttings or division during the growing season.
Plants are collected as required and dried whole.
30cm (12in)
30cm (12in)
Parts Used:
Whole plant
An astringent, antiseptic, absorbent herb.
Medicinal Uses:
Externally for wounds and to absorb discharges.
Economic Uses:
Dried sphagnum is added to orchid soil mixes and used to line hanging baskets.
Exploitation and wild-collection of Sphagnum species is subject to management measures in some areas.
Encyclopedia of Herbs by Deni Brown Copyright © 1995, 2001 Dorling Kindersley Limited Pp 372-373