
Ajoite, Hydrated Potassium Sodium Copper Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide, appears mainly in the form of glorious light aqua colored “phantom” formations within other crystals. It is named for the Ajo district of Arizona where it was first discovered, though it is also now mined in Messina, in the Republic of South Africa. Rarely, it is found as a drusy crystalline structure and as an inclusion in calcite. Ajoite will usually occur with other rare minerals including chlorite, hematite, limonite, papagoite, plancheite, and shattuckite.

Ajoite allows you to speak what is in your heart. This allows for peace of mind as well as acceptance of oneself and one’s surroundings, circumstances, and environment. It may also be used to eliminate hostility, especially toward oneself, anger, abrasiveness, jealousy, and prejudice. Creativity, especially in the area of communication, is also facilitated by ajoite. It emphasizes universal brotherhood between strangers and friends alike. Ajoite may also be put to use in creating a soul bond during this lifetime to ensure a reunion in the next.

Crystal Forms:
Phantoms or druse
Peace Chakra (a sub-chakra located between the throat and heart chakra).