Angel Phantom Quartz

Angel Phantom Quartz is among the most dramatic looking of the many types of quartz crystals with inclusions of other minerals. The abundant white, yellow, and red-orange inclusions in Angel Phantom Quartz can consist of one or more of many other minerals. Angel Phantom Quartz crystals were discovered in a remote area of Brazil and are quite rare. Most unpolished specimens exhibit chips or opaque coatings on their surface, so they are often polished to better display their beauty.

Chemical Constituents:
Silicon Dioxide plus other mineral inclusions (SiO2+)
Crystal Structure:
Masses, grains, druses, prismatic hexagonal crystals.
Key Words:
Connecting with the Angelic Domain, attuning to the Higher Self, finding inner peace.
Third Eye, Crown
All Signs
Numerical Vibration:
Angel Phantom Quartz can assist one in connecting with the Higher Self. It has a strong calming and meditative energy and is an excellent dream-work stone. It can help one see areas where one is perpetuating the illusion of separation from the Divine. It can assist one in astral travel, lucid dreaming and interdimensional communication.
Angel Phantom Quartz can assist one in releasing excessive worry or fear and can assist in quieting the 'monkey mind' of the ego. Its energy is a helpful reminder of spiritual support during difficult emotional times. It assists one in perceiving what one is trying to hide from oneself, revealing one's deepest patterns, beliefs, and karmic influences. Angel Phantom Quartz is a wonderful stone for children who are plagued by night terrors or nightmares.
Angel Phantom Quartz has insulating properties for the nervous system due to its Amphibole inclusions. It is therefore useful in situations in which 'raw nerves' are creating discomfort, or in diseases involving the loss of myelin sheath around never fibers.
I am one with my Angelic guides and my Higher Self, at peace, protected.