Beta Quartzes

Beta Quartz

Crystal Structure:
Hexagonals and trapezohedral-hemihedrals.
Beige to bronze-brown.
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibration:
Magickal Properties:
  • Has been used for both dowsing and divining, providing clear directional information and responding to all questions. There is a response and resolution to each question, no matter where, when, or what kind of question is posed and answer is solicited.
  • Has been used for de-coding/encoding of patterns from dreams and visions, assisting in clear channels of communication from both the higher-self and inner self; hence, the information flows freely and contributes information which assists one in determining the appropriate and foremost actions which will enhance and strengthen ones continuation on the selected path.
  • Tends to bring the energies of responsibility to the qualities of systematic intuition. It represents the height of mental achievement, facilitating a limitless range of avenues for exploration.
Medical Uses:
  • Is known as a DNA crystal for re-tuning the DNA. It has been used extensively in the treatment of violent and/or highly infective dis-ease, as well as by others who are working with those affected in order to provide protection from the affectation. It has been used in the treatment of tumors - at the beginning stages of their growth.
  • Can be used in the treatment of both the structure of the bone and the composition and formation of the cells. It has been used to assist in the prevention of RNA/DNA damage and can be used in repair of same.