
Crystal Structure:
Crusts and botryoidal [consisting of a group of round prominences] masses.
Bright yellow-green.
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibration:
Magickal Properties:
  • Can stimulate the intellect to facilitate the procurement of "this-world" items. It provides for insight into the attainment of that which is required in order to procure and promotes insight into the most logical and readily accessible methods which are available.
  • Enhances ones self-esteem and leadership qualities, and stimulates revolutionary ideas.
  • Can be carried/worn to facilitate both financial improvement and successful business ventures.
  • Expedites the transfer of energy - between one and the ethereal body, between crystals and minerals, between people, etc. - eliminating the resistive forces which are present in the environment.
Medical Uses:
Can be used in the treatment of circulatory disorders, dis-eases of the nervous system, and minor complaints accompanying the development of the physical body.