
Crystal Structure:
Prismatic and tabular crystals and masses
Lustrous metallic blue-grey
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibration:
Magickal Properties:
  • Has been used to assist one in finding that which has been lost; it expedites and facilitates the knowledge to either return the lost item or to allow it to remain astray. It encourages sedentary habits and inspires one to proceed and to advance.
  • Assists in the conducting of energy to the non-flexible portions of the body and the mind, serving to bring patience, perseverance, composure and stamina.
  • Awakens ones innate sense of well-being and brings elevated energy towards the furtherance of goals.
Medical Uses:
Has been used in the treatment of the immune system, to increase the number of T-Cells, to assist in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals, and to stimulate cleasing activity within the body.
Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended.