
Crystal Structure:
Masses, fibrous or lamellar, and (rarely) crystals.
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibration:
Magickal Properties:
  • Has been used to assist one in achieving the state of certainty without willful-ness, such that one may continue to be adaptable with respect to the methodology fo attainment. It can help one in all facets relative to service, bringing the value of assistance to the forefront.
  • Is a "stone of courtesy", promoting loving equitability and unprejusiced discernment with the user. It also provides the stimulus for decisiveness of that which has not been resolved in ones life.
  • Provides one with the courage to "do" during the action of "being".
Medical Uses:
Can be useful to bring an alkaline body state to the acid condition. It can also be used to assist the body in normal transformation cycles. It can quicken the assimilation of iron and can provide for increased duration of iron within the physical body.