Chinese Writing Stone

Crystal Structure:
A porphyry with lath-like crystals of, usually, feldspar, grouped into patterns resembling the chinese script.
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibrations:
Magical Properties:
  • Helps one to access information from both the ancient sacred texts and the akashic records, providing for clarity in translation with respect to the writing and furthering the interpretation of that which is written.
  • It is an excellent stone for dreaming, assisting one into the dream state and directing ones dreams toward the subject that one has pre-determined.
  • Is a stone for re-affirmation, re-alignment, re-commitment; it validates and then helps one to execute plans and strategies. It also helps one to adjust to change, to accept responsibility for newly found personal freedom, and stimulate originality in living.
Medical Properties:
Can be used in the treatment of disorders of the eyes, spine, and legs. It can also be used to increase the assimilation of protein, to treat malaria and yellow fever, and to soothe the muscular structures of hands. It is excellent as an elixir in all aspects of energy urtilization.