
Crystal Structure:
Minute tabular crystals
Pale smoke-grey tinged with red
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibrations:
, Crown
Magical Properties:
  • Can be used to activate the first chakra while providing grounding and centering; this energy brings forth conscious knowledge of anger, encounters of all types, and primordial reactions - prior to their occurrence, such that conscious action can be accomplished without unconscious reaction.
  • Tends to initiate the evolution of awareness of intuitiveness and assists in dream interpretation. It further acts to assist one in recognizing the guidance from the inner self that flows through our daydreaming moments, and acts to replace negative thoughts with positive conceptions.
  • Has also been used to open and to activate the crown chakra, enhancing ones knowledge of spirituality and bringing forth an interactive balance between the physical and spiritual realms.
Medical Properties:
Has been used in the treatment of disorders of the spleen, the intestinal tract, and the colon.