

Crystal Structure:
Short prismatic prisms, rectangular prisms, thin tabular crystals, pyramids, and masses
Iron-black, grey, brown, brown-black, and red-brown
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibrations:
All Chakras
Magical Properties:
  • Can be used to activate all chakras and to provide for equilibrium between the physical and the spiritual selves. It has been used to provide protection in ones environment and of ones personal property.
  • Has acted to bring flashes of insights with respect to problems concerning one now and with respect to future problems which have not yet manifested - hence, eliminating the need for anxiety when the imminent obstacles emerge.
  • Has been used to dispel indolent and lethargic behavior, and is an excellent grounding stone.
  • Has served to assist one in decision-making and in the release of pensive action.
Medical Properties:
Has been used to assist in the assimilation of iron and manganese, to ameleriorate deficiencies in eyesight, and to assist in the relief of skin disorders (including psoriasis).