

Crystal Structure:
A fossil resin of vegetable origin and is similar to Amber.
Yellow to red to brown.
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibrations:
Crown Chakra
Magical Properties:
  • Has been used to activate the crown chakta and, concurrently, to maintain physical consciousness. It assists one in remaining aware during meditation, and in maintaining the knowledge of emptiness within the spiritual centers of ones being.
  • Can be used in the removal of energy blockages and to strengthen the meridians of the physical body, such that one becomes aligned with the perfection of the ethereal body.
  • Serves to increase the awareness of ones individuality while allowing one to maintain association with humanity.
  • Enhances contact with the etheric bodies and stimulates the crown chakra toward spirituality. It can also create altered states of consciousness and can serve as a vehicle for both reaching and utilizing the talents and abilities of the mind. All of the psychic abilities can be stimulated and amplified via the use of these consolidated energies. In addition, it provides for amplification of the entire energy field of the body.
Medical Properties:
  • Has been used by healers in the European countries for both diagnostic healing and communicating with the spirits. It acts to improve disorders of the heart and to help one recover from those disorders associated with diminished physical vitality.
  • Has been used in the treatment of disorders of the kidneys and bladder. In ancient times it was used as a penicillin-type remedy, ground and ingested or soaked [as in an elixir] and subsequently drunk. It has also been used to provide rejuvenating energy to those recovering from hospitalization, and to stimulate cellular renewal.