Priday Plume Agate

Priday plume agate occurs within the thundereggs which are found in the areas outlying Madras, Oregon, USA. The plume appears in a variety of colours and is configured similar to a beautiful flowering desert plant.

It can be used to open and activate the heart chakra and to assist one in recognizing the beauty in all of life.

It brings insight to allow one to remember that all things, events, encounters, circumstances, and situations lead to ones growth, and are truly helpful in ones development.

It inspires creativity and helps one delve into the unknown. It brings peace to the birthing and re-birthing processes and promotes tranquility through all phases of transitions.

Priday plume agate provides one with a fresh outlook and encourages one to enjoy the moment. It stimulates and inspires the endeavors of life and helps one to relate in a loving manner.

It also inspires creativity, allowing one to see the flower within each person and the budding growth which is waiting to bloom into perfection. It promotes imagination with personal freedom, allowing one to accept changes with alacrity.

It can be used to eliminate negativity from ones environment, by simply being a part of that environment. Worn, carried, or used as an elixir, it removes the opposing forces of positive energy from ones energy field and provides a barrier against further entry of same.

It can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the sense of smell, to encourage the even flow of blood and nerve impulses, and to lower the blood pressure. It has also been used in the treatment of the eyes and to initiate further mending capabilities of the skeletal structure.

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