

Phenakite, which is also referred to as Phenacite, is a rare quartz-like nesosilicate mineral that has a high refractive index. This can produce such brilliance that faceted gemstones are sometimes mistaken for diamonds. It is well suited to use in jewelry as it has good hardness, no cleavage, and the better crystals are completely clear. Phenakite is composed of Beryllium Orthosilicate, and is typically colorless or white — sometimes, however, it has tints of brown yellow or pink. It is found in Russia, Brazil, the United States, and Norway, and often in association with precious and semi-precious gemstones such as beryl, chrysoberyl, emerald, and topaz, as well as smoky quartz. It has a vitreous luster and a white streak.

(Phenakite) Milky white to clear crystal. A powerfully loving, healing, spiritual stone newly more available. Clearer stones intensely opens 3rd eye, crown and Transpersonal CTRS. as a white light channel. Clairvoyance/spiritual communication, meditation, astral travel. Energizes meridians and healing of other stones. H:7.5-8; CTR:6-8

Chemical Composition:
Beryllium Orthosilicate
Colorless or white, may be tinted yellow, yellow-red, red, pink, brown.
7.5 - 8
Specific Gravity:
2.9 - 3.0
Absent to poor in three directions
Crystal Structure:
Transparent to tranlucent; trigonal
Russia, Brazil, USA, and Norway
Glassy, quartz-like, with small crystals.
Fairly rare and usually expensive
Madagascar, Russia, Zimbabwe, Colorado, Brazil
Magickal Properties:
Phenacite as one of the highest crystal vibrations yet discovered. It connects personal consciousness to ta high frequency, enabling information from that space to be translated to the earth. It contacts the angelic realms and the Ascended Masters. It resonates with the etheric body, activates the light body, and aids the ascension process. It imparts knowlege on how to heal and activate them all. It stimulates the third eye and activates the higher crown chakra, enhancing inner knowing.
Healing Properties:
Phenacite works at a subtle level, purifying the body and clearing energy pathways. It downloads information from the Akashic Record via the etheric blueprint so that dis-ease from any source can be identified and released. Phenacite activates healing from the etheric body to the physical, healing the etheric blueprint when necessary as a prerequisite for physical healing. Phenacite has the power to amplify the energy of other healing crystals.
Wear as faceted stone or place as appropriate, especially above head.
Clear Phenacite
Magickal Properties:
This form of Phenacite aids interdimensional travel. It facilitates moving through vibratory spiritual states that would not normally be accessed from earth. It activates memories of earlier spiritual initiations and teaches that "Like attracts like", urging you to raise your vibrations, purify your thoughts, and put out only positive energy
Yellow Phenacite
This form of Phenacite has a particular aptitude for extraterrestrial contact. This is a stone of manifestation, bringing what is desired into being on the physical plane provided it is for the highest good of all.