
Fairy Cross (Staurolite)
Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Powers - Protection, Elemental Magic, Money, Health
Folk Names - Fairy Cross, Fairy Tears, Staurotide, Cross Stone.
Staurolite is a natural earthy brown coloured smooth crystal Cross - made up of twinned crystals which form into equal-armed Crosses, or X-shapes.
Each Staurolite Crystal Cross varies in appearance and according to legend is known as the 'Fairy Cross'. Carry in a blue mojo bag.

When the twin crystals intersect each other at right angles, they produce perfect crosses with arms of equal length. A perfectly formed 'Fairy Cross' is rare and most favoured in magic. More frequently however, the cross forms at varying angles.

There are several types of Staurolite Crosses and the most common is - St. Andrew. Equal-armed crosses symbolize the interpenetration of the physical and spirutal planes, the combination of projective and receptive energies within our bodies and souls. Though the 'Cross' is associated with Christianity in the western world, it was used in religion and magick centuries before.

In magic, the Staurolite 'Fairy Cross' represents the four Elements.
Because of its shape, the Fairy Cross is carried or worn by those wishing to balance the four elements within and it is placed on the altar for power during magickal rituals of all kinds. As with all stones, exhibiting unusual shapes or patterns, it is prized for luck and protection.

The Staurolite 'Fairy Cross' is said to protect against negative energies, disease and accidents. Empower your Fairy Cross and keep in the car. Also believed to energize sexual drive and draw wealth to the bearer.

There are many superstitions surrounding this little cross. Carried by three Presidents of the United States as a luck charm and in Brittany, they were said to have fallen from the sky.

.........It is said that long ago good fairies were dancing around a spring when a elfin messenger brought news of the crucifixion of Christ. The fairies wept. As they cried, their tears fell to the ground - forming these enchanting crosses of stone. Long after the fairies disappeared, these amazing crosses of the mineral Staurolite remain.

The Fairy Cross is believed to protect the wearer and is prized in elemental magic

Staurolite, which used to be known as "Fairy Stone", is a complex mineral that is classified as a Nesosilicate Mineral Group. It is a common mineral that sometimes forms cross shaped crystals. These are the result of crystal twinning — indeed, its technical name is derived from the Greek words "stauros", which means cross, and "lithos" which means stone. It is typically a red-brown color, but can be much darker — even black — and is often associated with other metamorphic minerals such as almandine garnet, micas, and kyanite.

Chemical Composition:
Nesosilicate Mineral Group;
Reddish-brown to brown or black
7 - 7.5
Specific Gravity:
3.7 - 3.8
Poor in one direction
Uneven to conchoidal
Crystal Structure:
Typically opaque, but also translucent; monoclinic
Vitreous to resinous or dull
USA, Brazil, Scotland, Italy, and France
Folk Names:
Fairy cross, fairy tears, staurotide, cross stone
Earth, air, fire, and water
Protection, money, health, elemental powers
Magical Uses:
  • Worn or carried for protection against negativity, disease, and accidents.
  • Warn to draw wealth and to energize sexual drives.
  • Used to gain control over elemental forces.