Four of Pentacles

     The Four of Pentacles is one of the cards of the Minor Arcana. Depicted on this card is a person of wealth with a pentacle on his crown, one clasped firmly in his hands, and two more placed securely under his feet. This card I often call the miser card. This is a card indicative of a person whom is cautious of his possessions. He/she has worked hard to achieve the goals set and is unwilling to let them go easily. This card can be taken two ways. It can be taken as a card of selfishness, and insecurity, or a card of wisdom and frugality when it comes to spending habits. It also may indicate gifts, inheritance or legacies.
Keywords for Interpretation
Clinging to material possessions,  love of earthly power, miserly or ingenuous person, frugality, inheritance,  legacies.
Setbacks in material goals, theft,  loss of material possessions, obstacles, delays, opposition.
     There is a myriad of symbolisms on this and many of the other cards in both the major and minor arcana. In order to present a comprehensive and easy to use as a reference source set of pages for this and other cards, I will refrain from going into great detail regarding the individual symbols on the cards. On a future date I will go over the more explicit aspects of them. If you have a question regarding a particular symbol you can email me at Tamerin. I would also like to hear from you on some of your interpretations of this particular card or any other that you would like to discuss. Please use above email link.
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