Nine of Pentacles

     The Nine of Pentacles is one of the cards of the Minor Arcana. Depicted on this card is a woman of great dignity standing in her garden of pentacles, holding a bird of paradise in her hand. When this card comes into your spread it indicates that you have achieved success in your endeavors and a great accomplishment and now it's time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Keywords for Interpretation
Completion, material well~being, success,  accomplishment, prudence and safety, solitary enjoyment of the good things of life.
Roguery, dissipation, voided project,  bad faith. Possible loss of home or friendship.
     There is a myriad of symbolisms on this and many of the other cards in both the major and minor arcana. In order to present a comprehensive and easy to use as a reference source set of pages for this and other cards, I will refrain from going into great detail regarding the individual symbols on the cards. On a future date I will go over the more explicit aspects of them. If you have a question regarding a particular symbol you can email me at Tamerin. I would also like to hear from you on some of your interpretations of this particular card or any other that you would like to discuss. Please use above email link.
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