9. The Hermit

     The Hermit is the ninth card of the major arcana, and the ninth step of the journey. At the summit of the mountain of life stands a lone and wizend old man. His journey has been long and hard and he is wearied but he has finally made it to the top. He lights his lantern and holds it high in front of him to light up the land beneath him. The Hermit is the card, that when he comes into your spread, is there to remind you that though the journey may be long and hard and one that will wear you down, the end of the journey is one of relief. He tells you "All will be revealed in the fullness of time. "
     The Hermit is a card of higher knowlege and understanding. He traveled a long ardous path, one filled with loneliness to reach the point of enlightenment. Now that he has achieved it he stands above the world as a teacher. "Look into the light at the end of the tunnel I'll guide the way". Too often we tend to partake a journey of self~seeking and learning of our own inner truths. A lot of the time we give up when the task becomes daunting to us. It's never pleasant to have to look in the mirror at our selves. When this card comes into your spread it's a reminder that that only way to achieve mastery of ourselves, is to sometimes take a long hard look inside. Though this is a card of loneliness, you are never actually alone. Because you find the best company you can have is that of your own inner greatness or spirit.

Keywords for Interpretation
Prudence, treason, dissimulation, roguery,  corruption, solitude, higher learning, achievement
Concealement, disguise, policy, fear,  unreasoned caution, discernment, sacrifice

     There is a myriad of symbolisms on this and many of the other cards in both the major and minor arcana. In order to present a comprehensive and easy to use as a reference source set of pages for this and other cards, I will refrain from going into great detail regarding the individual symbols on the cards. On a future date I will go over the more explicit aspects of them. If you have a question regarding a particular symbol you can email me at Tamerin. I would also like to hear from you on some of your interpretations of this particular card or any other that you would like to discuss. Please use above email link.
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