5. The Hierophant

     The Hierophant is the fifth card of the major arcana. The Hierophant like the High Priestess (2) sits between two pillars representing the balance between the physical and the spiritual world. He wears upon his head a crown with three crosses, representing the three aspects of self. the ego, the ID and the Super Ego. His left hand is raised high in a peace symbol representing the balance of the physical and spiritual. This is the card of higher spiritual purpose and the fifth card on the journey. He says when he comes into the spread "Let my will match that of yours, Creator." Here he sits to tell you that you have a spiritual purpose to follow.
     When he comes into your spread it's time to determine whether your are acting in accordance to the will of the higher power or if you are being too demanding, dogmatic, or overbearing. It's also there to remind you that the past does have a tendency to repeat itself. Being that he follows after The Emperor (4) he tends to remind you that if you don't allow your will to be the same as that of the creators then you may find that you will loose track of, or concious contact with the creator. This is the card of highest spiritual purpose and balance.

Keywords for Interpretation
Communications, new interests, change, decisions, versatility, adaptability, excitement, freedom
Arguments, habits, dogmatism, indecisiveness, ,boredom, moral entrapment, rigidity, self~righteousness

     There is a myriad of symbolisms on this and many of the other cards in both the major and minor arcana. In order to present a comprehensive and easy to use as a reference source set of pages for this and other cards, I will refrain from going into great detail regarding the individual symbols on the cards. On a future date I will go over the more explicit aspects of them. If you have a question regarding a particular symbol you can email me at Tamerin. I would also like to hear from you on some of your interpretations of this particular card or any other that you would like to discuss. Please use above email link.