MICHAEL rules the sun. In ancient myths he is
represented by the solar gods such as Helios, Apollo, Ra and Lugh. In
some of the early matriarchal societies the Sun was regarded as feminine,
a beleif that survived in the Egyptian pantheon as the Solar/Fire goddess
Sekhmet and in celtic myths as the Fire Goddess Bridget.
As a personification of the solar energy the
Archangel Michael represents the life force. In all cultures the sun
represents the creative principle, whether masculine feminine or both.
Michael's magical image is of a young man
wearing a golden cloak. His amber colored hair streams back from a strong
face and his right hand rests upon the burnished hilt of a golden sword.
The overall impression of this magickal image is one of controlled
spiritual power.
The Archangel Michael can be invoked in all
matters associated with career, sports, personal finance, ambition,
bureaucracy, officialdom, and the health of the physical body. In common
with Raphael he is a healing angel.
GABRIEL is the archangel of the Moon. Although the
archangels are usually visualized as masculine in gender they are in fact
androgynous having the potential of both sexes. As aspects of the life
force they can take on either masculine or feminine characteristics
Gabriel is therefore represented in the old pagan religions by the Moon
goddesses such as Diana, Selene, Hathor, Hecate, and Cerwyddn. There is
some evidence of male lunar dieties such as Thoth and Sin. These Moon
gods may have borrowed some of their attributes from earlier Lunar
goddesses where partriarchy replaced the prehistoric matriarchal culture.
The magical image of Gabriel is a mature man
who wears the curved cresent of the waxing Moon on his forehead . This
lunar symbol covers the third eye which is the source of psychic powers.
Gabriel wears a silver cloak which reflects the light as does crystal
Gabriel can be invoked for an increase in all
things. Specifically, he has rulership over psychic powers, astral
travel, conception, dreams, childbirth, and all matters connected with
women , travel by sea, the home and imagination.
RAPHAEL is the planetary ruler of Mercury. He was
known to the ancient Greeks as Hermes, to the Romans ans Mercuri who was
the messenger of the Gods, to the Celts as Ogma, to the Egyptians and
Thoth (pronounced Tehuti) and to the Northern Europeans as Odin or Woden.
The magical image of Raphael is a young man
clothed as a pilgrim or traveller. He wears a yellow cloak, a broad
rimmed hat with a feather in it, winged snadals, and carries a staff
entwined with two snakes (caduceus), the symbol of the divine healer.
Raphael should be invoked in rituals involving
healing, communications, travel, young people, education, business
contracts, commercial selling, writing and self~expression. As Hermes is
also the god of thieves his aid can be requested to help find stolen goods
or lost property. On his highest level Raphael represents the spiritual
guide or mentor who helps the person who is just beginning his/her journey
on the occult path.
ANAEL is the Archangel of Venus. He/She is
represented by the ancient fertility goddesses such as Aphrodite, Astarte,
Isis and Frigga His pagan male aspect is best represented by Eros whose
arrows of desire captivate lovers.
Anael's magical image is a youth who seems to
be neither male or female but combines the beauty of both sexes. He wears
a long green cloak and his long black hair is banded by a ringlet of wild
flowers and roses.
The Archangel Anael can be invoked for all
matters to do with romantic love, harmony, friendship, pleasure, marital
affairs, music, the arts and poetry. This angelic force represents nature
as the manifestation of the divine material world. Meditation on this
planetary energy can bring the magician in to contact with the green
goddess of nature, sometimes known as the Lady of Wild Things.
SAMAEL is the Archangel of Mars. In pagan times he
was associated iwth the gods of war such as Ares, Mars and Tiw. He
represents the destructive aspects of the life force, which when channeled
correctly, can be used for constructive purposes.
The magical image of Samael is a tall man
wearing a red cloak. His hair is held in place by a gold band on which is
engraved a pentagram or five pointed star. His strong hands rest on the
hilt of a broadsword whose blade is decorated with runic sigils.
Samael can be invoked for anything to do with
acts of physical courage or machinery. He grants the ability of manual
dexterity, craftsmanship, and protects against danger from fire and
SACHIEL is the Archangel of Jupiter. In ancient
mythology he was the sky father known as Zeus, Jove, Dagda, Ptah and
Thor. Sachiel represents the masculing phallic power which brings
fertility and material abundance.
The magical image of Sachiel is a well built
older man. He wears a purple cloak decorated with gold coins as depicted
in the Minor Arcana of the suit of Tarot Cards.
The Archangel Sachiel has rulership over all
matters relating to material wealth, social eminence, political power, Big
business, gambling, important friendships, and all legal and insurance
matters He can be invoked for assistance in all financial matters.
CASSIEL rules Saturn. In the Ancient religions he
is depicted as the god Chronos, Pluto, and Anubis who are all dieties
associated with time, the underworld and death. He is also associated
with the Greek goddesses known as the Fates and the Norse goddesses the
Norns who are weavers of humanity's destiny. One of the Cassiel's titles
is the Lord of Time and he represents the cosmic force of destiny, wyrd,
or fate.
Cassiel's magickal image is a stern looking man
dressed in a long black cloak. Sometimes he carries a staff and an
hourglass to symbolize his rulership over time.
This archangel can be invoked for all matters
concerning property, old people, wills and estates, legacies, karma,
death, land, agriculture, and long~standing health ailments connected with
old age In dealing with Cassiel it should be remembered that time is not
linear but cyclic. Death is not the end of the human personality but the
transformation to a new state of being.
When the aspiring magician invokes any of these
planetary forces he should remember that they are personifications of the
archetypal energies associated with each plant. These Archetypal energies
canbe descriped by their planetary properties