Acorn~ slow down the aging process
Alder~ fire, resurrection, protection, oracular powers, controlling the four winds, banishing/contolling elementals
Almond~ very sweet natural being, aids in self proteciton, fruitfullness, virginity
Apple~ choice, love spells, divinations, healings, feritlity
Ash~ father of trees, sea power, resident powers in water, guardian spirits reside in, absolution of sickness, karmic laws, magickal potentcy, divination
Beech~ concerned with ancient knowledge, guidance from the past to gain insight
Birch~ agriculture, fertility, birth, healing, protection, lunar workings
Blackthorn~ Indicates strong action of fate or outside influences that must be obeyed
Cedar~ healing, purification, money, protection
Chestnut~ love
Coconut~ protection from negative psychic forces
Cypress~ longevity, healing, comfort, protection
Elder~ witchcraft, banishment, magickal arts, waters of life
Elm~ adds stability, grounding a spell
Fig~ balance
Hawthorn~ purification, enforced chastity, male potency, cleansing
Hazel~ gain knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, inspiration, poetic inspiration
Hickory~ legal matters
Holly~ holiness, consecration, material gain, physical revenge, beauty , spells for sleep, rest, and easing the passage of death
Ivy / Vines~ faerie work, joy, exhilaration, wrath, rebirth, fidelity, constancy, love, intoxication, protection, healing
Larch~ burned to ward off evil spirits, used for protection and to induce visions
Maple~ success and abundance, love, longevity, money
May Apple~ (**Poison**) money
Mistletoe~ love, fertility, sexual potency
Oak~ stamina, lust, fertility, endurance, triumph, strength, power, dominion, prosperity. Wood of sacrifice, the guardian and liverator
Palm~resurrection, the cycle and matirx of life
Peach~ love spells, abundance, fruitfullness, happiness
Pine~ strength, life and immortality, rejuvination, relief of guilt
Rowan~ psychic enhancer, healing magic, divination, astarl work, protection, control of senses from enchantment and beguiling
White Poplar~ hope, rebirth, divinations, shielding, endurance, agility in speech and language, aid in astral projection
Willow~ love healing, fertility rites, moon magic, psychic energy, healing, inspiration. Willow indicates cycles, rhythms, the ebb and flow (femanine)
Yew~ destructive workings concerning death, enhance magickal and psychic abilities, induce visions
page by Celtic Wolf, SilverWolf