

Crystal Structure:
Prismatic formations, fibers, grains and masses
Colorless, light yellow, green, and pink
Astrological Sign:
Numerical Vibrations:
Magical Properties:
  • Can provide for disintegration of dissention and for transformation of the opposing energies to constructive force-fields; the constructive fields, enclosing more aggregate energy than the entirety of the energy contained in the negativity.
  • Grants a focused attachment, via the cognitive processs, to the celestial latitudes [especially during the astrological cycle of Cancer]; this can promote progress in all realms of ones life. In addition, Clinozoisite furthers the completion of projects to successful conclusions; it is a favorable energy for those in search of anything and has been used to stimulate healing of discord and to bring friendship.
  • The occurrence with quartz combines the energies of Clinozoisite and quartz to produce a powerful mineral for healing and for progression.
Medical Properties:
Has been used in the treatment of disorders associated with the heart, spleen, pancreas, and lungs.