Crystal Quartz


Radiating the white light energy of the Universe, clear quartz crystal is Light made solid. Quartz clears and amplifies the thoughts. It focuses and stores energy and information. It can be used to clear and activate the chakras, for purification, healing, in meditation and trance work, to dispel negativity, enhance and seal the aura and for many other uses. Quartz can be used in any and all workings. When in doubt or when lacking the "correct" type of stone, quartz can always substitute.

Wearing quartz with the point facing upwards, opens the upper chakras, and facilitates meditative states and psychic awareness, but can leave the wearer feeling somewhat spacey, so it is not recommended for prolonged duration. Wearing it point downwards helps to ground. A double-terminated crystal (one with a point on either end) worn horizontally can help balance left/right brain. Vertically, a double-terminator can help incorporate both the spiritual and the material into the wearer's life.

Quartz, which is composed of Silicon Dioxide, is classified as a tectosilicate. It is the most common mineral in the Earth's crust, and can be found in a wide variety of different variants. These occur in massive and crystalline forms, with the latter being composed of hexagonal prisms which end with a six-sided pyramid. It is also often found as an encrusted lining inside rock voids and hollow geodes. There are a number of different commercial uses for quartz — these include as optical components in specialized instruments, ans well as ingredients in paints, glass, and abrasives.

Chemical Composition:
Silicon Dioxide
Highly Variable
Specific Gravity:
Very weak in three directions
Crystal Structure:
Transparent to translucent; trigonal
Vitreous to greasy
Folk Names:
Crystal, Witch's mirror, star stone, iris (from the prismatic effects of quartz crystals), Zaztun (Mayan)
Projective, Receptive
Brow, Solar Plexus, Sacral
Sun, Moon
Power Moon:
Cancer, Leo
Fire, Water
The Great Mother
Occupations and Purposes:
  • Artists: → serves as the Universal Art Stone which reflects the rainbow
  • Architects: → provides a sensor to light and form
  • Beauty Consultants: → promotes self-expression
  • Counselors: → enhances clear communication
  • Doctors and Healers: → stimulates warmth
  • Inventors: → encourages inspiration
  • Musicians: → increases sensitivity to tonal vibrations
  • Radio and Television Workers: → increases vocal vibrations
  • Associated Metals:
    Silver, Copper, Gold
    Associated Herbs:
    Copal, mugwort, chicory, sage, sweetgrass
    Protection, healing, psychism, power, lactation
    Occult Nature:
    Clear Quartz (rock crystal): Used as a focus for divination in spherical form (the crystal ball), and as a transmitter/receiver of energy. The magickal link between the crystal and "other realms" is associated with magnetism, attraction, and accumulation in and around the crystal, by the infused iron throughout its structure. When charged by the moon's energy, the magnetic link is established. As the moon increases, so too does the generation, and accumulation, of lunar magnetism within the crystal.
    Magical Uses:
    • They can be used in healing, altering consciousness, and magic.
    • Used to stimulate psychism.
    • Used for scrying or gazing
    • Place under pillow to connect with personal energy
    • They can be used as a pendulum.
    • Offers psychic dreams, and ensures a restful sleep.
    • When placed in water drink to improve health.
    • Worn to relieve headaches
    • Held in hand to reduce fever.
    • Placed on gums to remove toothaches.
    • Worn as amulets to prevent illness.
    • Placed on babies or worn by mothers to increase lactation.
    Divinatory Meaning:
    Permanence. Business advancement. If the crystal loses its sparkle, betrayal. Be sure to clarify issues you asked about and those that arise.
    Aqua Aura Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This artificially made quartz frees you from limitation and creates space for something new. It heals, cleanses, and calms the aura, releasing stress and healing "Holes". It also stimulates channeling, and self-expression, and deepens spiritual attunement and communication.
    Beta Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of quartz is good for promoting intuitive dreams, and prevents nightmares.
    Blue Quartz
  • Energy: receptive
  • Magical Property: Fine peace and tranquility stone.
  • Golden Healer Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This naturally coated yellow transparent quartz facilitates spiritual communication over a long distance, including between worlds, and empowers healing at all levels.
    Green Quartz
  • Energy: Receptive
  • Magical Property: Used in prosperity workings to increase money, or to provide and "easy life". It is also worn to stimulate creativity
  • Harlequin Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of quartz has red dots dancing within it. It links the base and heart chakras with the crown chakra, drawing physical and spiritual vitality into the body. Balancing the polarities and meridians in the body, this crystal anchors them to the etheric, harmonizing the subtle and physical nervous systems. Harlequin Quartz aids in the expression of universal love and acts as a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds. In healing, Harlequin Quartz strenthens veins, memory, and the thyroid, and overcomes thyroid deficiencies. It activates the will to recover from illness and dis-ease and helps to relieve despondency.
    Herkimer Diamond
  • Energy: Projective
  • Magical Property: Miniature, double terminated quartz crystals. They are fine substitutes for diamonds in magick.
  • Lavender Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of quartz can be used to awaken and/or strengthen psychic abilities.
    Lithium Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This naturally coated, spotted, lilac, reddish purple, Quartz is a natural antidepressant. Its powerful healing energies gently lift the conditions underlying the depression to the surface, neutralizing ancient anger and grief. It can reach back into past lives to dissolve the roots of the emotional dis-ease that is pervading the present life. Lithium Quartz is an excellent cleanser for the chakras and will purify water. It is extremely useful as a healer for plants and animals.
    Natural Titanium Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This Quartz naturally spotted with titanium has the same powers as the Rainbow Aura Quartz and is often occluded in Quartz as Rutilated Quartz.
    Natural Rainbow Quartz
    Magical Property:
    A natural rainbow foudn within many Quartz crystals, stimulates an awareness of universal love, draws off negativity, and disperses healing energy to the body and to the environment.
    Opal Aura Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This Quartz is formed by bonding platinum to pure Quartz producing a pale opal like rainbow color. In the same way a rainbow in the sky stimulates hope and optimism, Opal Aura is a crystal of pure joy. It purifies and balances all the chakras and integrates the light body to the physical dimensions. It brings about a state of total union with the divine through cosmic consciousness.
    Phantom Quartz
    Magical Property:
    Phantom Quartz crystals symbolize universal awareness. It stimulates healing for the planet as well as activates healing abilities in individuals. It also connects to a spiritual guide and enhances meditation. A Phantom Quartz will facilitate access to the Akashic Record, reading past lives and recovering past memories to put the past well into perspective.
    Phantom Amethyst Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of Quartz accesses the prebirth state and the plan for the present lifetime. It aids evaluation of progress made with spiritual lessons during the current incarnation.
    Phantom Chlorite Quartz (Green)
    Magical Property:
    This form of Quartz helps in self realization and the removal of energy implants but should be used for this purpose under the guidance of a qualified crystal therapist.
    Phantom Smoky Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of Quartz takes you back to a time before you left your soul group and links you into the purpose of the group incarnation. It can also help you to identify and attract members of your soul group. If negative energies have intervened in the group purpose, a Smoky Phantom will remove these, taking the group back to the original purity of intention.
    Rainbow Aura Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This Quartz is formed by bonding gold and titanium to pure quartz. Activating all the energy centers in the body, this crystal clears a path for the life force to manifest throught the various bodies, bringing in vibrant energy and zest for life. This Quartz is excellent for healing dysfunctional relationships, as it shows projections and helps release negative emotions such as old resentments and grief from the past, bringing in deep insights into all aspects of the relationships.
    Red Phantom Quartz
    The various types of quartz are distinguished mostly by color — for instance, purple quartz is known as Amethyst, pink forms are known as Rose Quartz, brown or gray variants are called Smoky Quartz, Milky Quartz is white and clear examples are referred to as rock crystal. There is no specific name for the type seen here, which has red coloration as the result of trace impurities. Well formed specimens are popular with mineral collectors, and particularly clear crystals are used in the jewelry trade as semi-precious gemstones. Red Phantom Quartz has a glassy to vitreous luster and a white streak.

    Chemical Composition:
    Silicon Dioxide
    Variable shades of red
    Specific Gravity:
    Very weak in three directions
    Crystal Structure:
    Transparent to translucent; trigonal

    Rose Quartz

    Rose quartz is a pink variety of quartz that is frequently used as a semi-precious stone in the jewelry trade. It is also popular with mineral collectors and for use as an ornamental stone. The attractive pink coloration is due to trace quantities of iron, manganese, and/or titanium; however, the crystal are only rarely clear enough to be set as gems. Occasionally, rose quartz occurs with needles of rutile running through it — these can produce interesting lighting effects called asterisms. The best quality specimens come from the Minas Gerais mines in Brazil — the only source of good crystals — with other sources including Germany, India, Madagascar, and the United States. Rose quartz has a glassy to vitreous luster and a white streak.

    Chemical Composition:
    Silicon Dioxide
    Specific Gravity:
    Very weak in three directions
    Crystal Structure:
    Transparent to translucent; trigonal
    Glassy to vitreous
    Brazil, Germany, India, Madagascar, and the USA
    Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral
    Occupations and Purposes:
    Beauty Consultants: → enhances self image
    Occult Nature:
    Used to "lighten" the auric energy and to draw positive energy. Suspended over the heart area, the rose quartz filters and harmonizes energies passing through it in either direction.
    Magical Property:
    Used to stimulate love and to open the heart chackra. To attract love wear a heart shaped rose quartz. Its magickal applications include promoting peace, happiness, and fidelity in established relationships.
    Divinatory Meaning:
    Love and self-healing are needed and will come.
    Rose Aura Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This quartz is formed by bonding quartz and platinum producing a dynamic energy that works on the pineal gland and the heart chakra, transmuting deeply held doubts about self-worth. It bestows the gift of unconditional love of the self and connection to universal love.
    Ruby Aura Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This quartz blended with platinum producing a darker and richer reddish color. This particular form of Quartz cleanses the base chakra of old survival issues and abus, bringing in passion and vitality, and activates the wisdom of the heart. This is a very spiritually uplifting stone, and is also protective against violence and aggression.
    Rutilated Quartz
  • Energy: projective

  • Occupation and Purpose:
    Truck and Taxi Drivers: → guides direction

  • Magical Property: Is an energy stone. Wear during magickal rituals or place on altar to increase the effectiveness of magick.
  • Siberian Blue Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This brilliantly blue laboratory grown quartz created from fusing raw quartz with cobalt is a powerful antidepressant, lifting the spirit and bringing deep peace. Siberian Blue Quartz activates the throat and third eye chakras, stimulating psychic vision and telepathy and enhancing communication. It brings about intense visionary experiences and opens to cosmic consciousness. It helps you to speak your truth and facilitates being heard.
    Smokey Quartz
    Smoky quartz, as its name would suggest, is a dark form of quartz. There are many varieties, such as Cairngorm, which is a dark brown to black form that is found in the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland. Its coloration is caused by trace impurities of aluminum; however, a lot of commercial specimens have been artificially irradiated to darken the effect. Another variety is called Racoon Tail Quartz — this has black and gray stripes along its length. Yet another form is called Morion — this is very dark and opaque. Smokey quartz is popular with mineral specimen collectors as well as a material for making carved ornaments, such as paperweights, eggs, statues, and so forth.

    Chemical Composition:
    Silicon Dioxide
    Brown, smoky gray, or black
    Specific Gravity:
    Very weak in three directions
    Crystal Structure:
    Transparent to translucent: trigonal
    Glassy to Vitreous
    Widespread; especially Brazil, Scotland, Swiss Alps, USA (Colorado), and many others.
    Occupations and Purpose:
    Government Workers: → improves interactions
    Magical Property:
    Another mood elevator and is worn as a grounding stone. It Overcomes depression and other negative emotions.
    Snow Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of Quartz supports you while learning lessons and helps you to let go of overwhelming resposibilities and limitations. It is perfect for people who feel put upon whilst actually creating that situation because they need to be needed. It can overcome martyrdom and victimhood. It also enhances tact and cooperation. It helps you to think before you speak. When used in meditation, it links to deeper inner wisdom previously denied in yourself and society.
    Sunshine Aura Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This garish yellow quartz is formed from gold and platinum fused with Pure Quarts. Its energies are powerful and extremely active. It activates and cleanses the solar plexus, releasing old emotional trauma and hurt. At a spiritual level, it is expansive and protective.
    Tangerine Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This naturally coated transparent orange Quartz is an excellent stone to use after shock or trauma, especially at the soul level. It can be used for soul retrieval and integration, and to heal after psychic attack. Tangerine Quartz can be used in past life healing and is beneficial where the soul feels that it has made a mistake for which it must pay. The soul learns to find the gift in the experience. Tangerine Quartz activates and harmonizes the sacral chakra, stimulating the flow of creative energy. Tangerine Quartz can take you beyond your limited beleif system and into a more positive vibration. It demonstrates that like attracts like.
    Tibetan Quartz
    Magical Property:
    This form of Quartz occurs in single and double terminated forms and may have "Black Spots" occlusions in it. It carries the resonance of Tibet and the esoteric knowledge that existed there centuries ago. You can utilize this knowledge to aid in assisting to reaching the Akashic Record. It purifies all the meridians in the body and successfully purifies and ground energy within the body.
    Tourmalated Quartz
  • Energy: projective
  • Magical Property: Quartz penetrated by black tourmaline crytals, is often worn to stimulate astral projection.
  • Occult Nature: Worn on the body, it aids in the projection of the astral form.