Goal Achievement
Ace of Swords
8 of Wands
Knight of Swords
10 of Cups
This spread is designed to aid in giving the person necessary ability to determine how to set goals.

Card Number
Divinatory Significance
Identify the goal
The Ace of Swords in this spread indicates that the goal that the person has set is one that may be a little too lofty and may need to be adjusted by using the other cards in the spread to determine how
Qualities you have that can aid in achieving the goal.
The Ten of Cups in this position indicates that the person can achieve his/her aspirations by using their family values and teachings and also to be able to limit his goals by placing them in lesser more achievable goals to regain balance.
Obstacles in my way of achieving the goals.
The Knight of Swords in this position indicates that part of the reason that the person may not achieve the goal is because they ten to have an agreesive and lofty attitude. And they may just be in two much of a hurry. This is a warning that they need to slow down, and re~prioritize.
Method of Achieving Goal.
The 8 of Wands in this position indicates that the tool necessary for achieving the goal again lies in the persons ability to prioritize and set healthy and active boundaries in motion for him/herself.