The Dictionary of Wiccan Terms


Mabon: On or around September 21st, the autumn equinox, Wiccans celebrate the second harvest. Nature is preparing for winter. Mabon is a vestige of ancient harvest festivals, which, in some form or another, were once nearly universal among peoples of the Earth. 2Modern name for the celebration of the autumnal equinox. One of the eight sabbats of the Wiccan year, celebrated on or around September 22.

Macrocosm: The "great world", the wider universe. See also, Microcosm. ˛ The Cosmos as a whole, in relation to the Microcosm, its detailed manifestation (the human being in particular). In accordance with the Hermetic principle 'as above so below', The Microcosm is of the same essence as the Macrocosm and reflects its nature.(3) The greater representation of something lesser.

Magician: One who practices Magick.

Magick: An act which draws upon the unseen source of energy for a focused intent. The physical manifestation and manipulation of energy in accordance with ones will. Spelled with a "k" to differentiate it from the type of magic that suggests trickery, or slight of hand, or just "sparkly feeling" without focused intent. ˛The act of rousing, directing, and releasing energy toward a goal. The art of using little-understood but natural powers to cause needed change. łThe projection (movement) of subtle but natural energies to bring about needed change. This is a natural art which works with the forces of nature. It is not supernatural, "evil" or dangerous. The moving of universal energy by the use of will towards a specific use and function. Although considered by the common public as supernatural, most people involved in magick see it as an ability anyone can develop with time, patience, and help. (4). The movement of natural energies (such as personal power) to create needed change. Energy exists within all things - ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements. Magick is the process or rousing or building up this energy, giving it purpose, and releasing it. Magick is natural, not supernatural, practice, though it is little understood. (5) The movement of natural (yet subtle) Energies to manifest positive needed change. Magick is the process of rousing energy, giving a purpose (through visualization), and releasing it to create a change. This is a natural (not supernatural) practice. (6) 'The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will' (Aleister Crowley). Crowley added the 'k' to distinguish true magic from the debased, escape-from-reality concept of magic, and many occultists have adopted this usage. (7)The "art of changing consciousness at will". Also the psychic direction of natural energies, using the symbolic language of correspondences, to achieve a goal. Magick is often spelled with a "k" to distinguish it from staged illusions or fantasy magic.

Magickal Aromatherapy: The utilization of aromatic plant materials, including essential oils, to produce specific changes. Natural fragrances are inhaled, the needed result is visualized and the energy is moved through the agency of the conscious mind.

Magickal Circle: A gathering of people (or even one person) where sacred space has been created for the working of magick. ˛A sphere constructed of personal power in which Wiccan rituals are usually enacted. The term refers to the circle that marks the sphere's penetration of the ground, for it extends both above and below it. It is created through visualization andmagick. See also, Circle.

Magick Circle: Any protected magickal space (not necessarily rounds, although it often is); any area that's been set aside for mystical work by cleansing and blessing that region and invoking the Sacred Powers or earth-air-fire-water-spirit to act as guardians in that space. A circle was chosen as the optimum design for magickal sacred space, because it represents continuance, cycles, and the earth and the fact that everyone within the circle is equally important to the success of the magick being created.

Magick Knife: See Athame.

Magick Mirror: A specially constructed dark 'mirror' into which the seeker gazes, looking for divinatory images. This art is called scrying, and the mirror is also sometimes called a speculum.

Magus: In general, a male occult adept. In Wiccan usage, a second-degree or third-degree male witch.(2) One who is a master of the occult arts.

Maiden:The aspect of the Threefold Goddess that represents such things as youth, freedom, independence, springtime. Also refers to a female member of a circle who is designated as the special assistant to the High Priestess. ˛ In a coven, the Assistant High Priestess for ritual purposes, who may or not be the High Priestess's deputy in leadership. In earlier times, the title of Maiden was sometimes applied to the leader whom we would now call the High Priestess.

Major Arcana: The twenty-two picture cards in the Tarot pack, which carry allegorical scenes. They are used as a guide on the spiritual journey and in divination.

Mana: Raw unconscious energy that automatically responds to external stimuli. It is the accumulation of power within an object or setting.

Mandala: A symbolic diagram based on geometric shapes and often including a human or divine figure, used as a basis of meditation in Eastern mysticism. It is enclosed in a circle and symbolizes the Macrocosm.

Mandorla: An almond-shaped area or panel enclosing a sacred figure, and representing the aura, in medieval Italian art.

Manifestation: The product on one level of being of a phenomenon or entity already existing on a higher level. Thus physical Nature is a manifestation of creative Divinity; the Earth itself may be regarded as a manifestation of the Mother Goddess principle; and on a much lower level , a seen ghost, or a poltergeist phenomenon, is a visual or physical manifestation of an entity or activity on the astral plane.

Mantra: In Buddhism and Hinduism, a sacred sound chanted or repeated inwardly during meditation.

Masculine: As opposed to feminine energy, this is the radiant sun, strength, intellect, and logic. The masculine form of the God/dess is the Horned God (a type of Pan) who reminds us of our link to nature, and who is sometimes represented by the Sun.

Measure: In Wicca, the thread by which a first-degree initiate's bodily dimensions are ritually recorded as a symbol of his or her loyalty to the coven.

Medicine Bag/Pouch: See Power Bag.Depending on the tradition, a medicine pouch may be one which is worn to hold special stones or other items which act together like an amulet or charm. In Native American traditions, a similar pouch is sometimes linked with the healer or the tribe and filled with useful herbs.

Meditation: Reflection, contemplation, turning inward toward the self or outward toward Deity or Nature. A quiet time in which the practitioner may dwell upon particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden. 2A means of calming the mind and spirit through breathing techniques and introspection. Deliberate thoughtfulness on one subject to gain insight and perspective. 3Thinking deeply about something. IN a magickal construct, meditation is used to quiet our minds and turn our thoughts away from the mundane long enough to focus on spiritual matters, specifically prevalent issues, questions or study topics. 4A state of thought or of inner contemplation in which, by using the imagination, by concentration or other means, attention is turned entirely away from the oouter world.

Megalith: A huge stone monument or structure. Stonehenge is perhaps the best known example of megalith construction.

Menhir: A standing stone probably lifted by early people for religious, spiritual or magickal reasons.

Mental Influences: The sometimes powerful effect other people's thoughts and opinions can have on some minds.

Meridian:In Chinese medicine, a subtle energy channel that runs close to the surface of the skin and contains the acupressure points.

Miasm: The subtle imprint of an infectious dis-ease from the past, such as TB or syphilis, that has been passed down through a family or place. The term was coined by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.

Microcosm: A miniature model of the Macrocosm. Philosophers saw the human body as a reflection of the universal whole. See Macrocosm.(2) A miniature representation of something greater.

Midsummer: The summer solstice, usually on or near June 21st , one of the Wiccan festivals and an excellent night for magick. Midsummer marks the point of the year when the Sun is symbolically at the height of its powers, and so too the God. The longest day of the year.

Mighty Ones, The: Beings, deities or presences often invoked during Wiccan ceremony to witness or guard the rituals. The Mighty Ones are thought to be either spiritually evolved beings, once human, or spiritual entities created by or charged by the Goddess and God to protect the Earth and to watch over the four directions. They are sometimes linked with the Elements.

Minor Arcana: The four suits, each of fourteen cards, in the Tarot pack: pentacles (or coins), cups, wands, and swords.

Moon: Symbol of the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone) in the Wiccan faith, and of feminine powers of intuition and magick, and of female physiological cycles which are attuned to Her.

Moon Magick: Any magick using the moon phases as a component in its spells or rituals. Also magick dealing with the unconscious mind, instinct, psychic phenomena, healing and the feminine aspects.

Mortar and Pestle: A stone bowl and grinding implement used to prepare herbs or other materials for healing or magick.

Mother:The central aspect of the Threefold Goddess. Represents fulfillment--the full power of the feminine -- creative, nurturing, sensual.

Muse:A source of inspiration, derived from the nine Goddesses of Greek mythology who were said to be the inspiration for various specified fields. One of them, Urania, is the muse for astrology (or astronomy, if you prefer -- but remember, until the eighteenth century the two terms were virtually synonymous).

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z