

A,B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

Accidental DignityA favorable position (dignity) achieved by a planet with regards to the house it is in, that is, it accidently finds itself in a house with similar energy.
AfflictedDescribes a planet that has a bad aspect, such as square opposition and quincunx aspects. An ancient but commonly used term.
Age of Aquariussee Aquarian Age.
Air SignsGemini, Libra and Aquarius (all masculine signs). Air represents intellect and though processes. In a natural wheel they occup the Third, Seventh, and Eleventh houses.
Alcabitius House SystemMethod of house division similar to the more popular Placidus House System, and considered to be accurate for polar regions.
AlmanacAn annual calendar publication dealing with historical and astrological data, weather predicitions and agricultural time-tables.
AlmutenTranslates as "The Winner". A way of scoring points to each planet based on the five essential dignities. Every degree in the chart can be ascribed an almuten and some more than one.
Anaretic DegreeThe final degree (ie, the 29th degree) of any sign. It is also known as the degree of fate.
AngleAny of the four cardinal points are called angles. The cardinal points are the axes of the chart, that is, the horizontal and vertical lines. The eastern angle is also known as the ascendant; the western angle as the descendent; the southern angles is the medium coeli (MC); and the northern angle is the imum coeli (IC).
Angular HousesThe First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth Houses and corresponding to cardinal signs. From the term angle (not the common meaning for angle, but referring to lines on a chart — see Angle).
AntipathyAn inharmonious relationship of planets caused by their different natures, by aspect or by detriment or fall.
AphelionThe name given to the point in a planet's orbit when it is furthest from the Sun.
ApogeeThe point in the Moon's orbit when it is furthest from the Earth.
Apparent MagnitudeDescribes the apparent brightness of a star.
Applying AspectThe movement of one planet towards another planet, house cusp or sensitive point in approaching the formation of an aspect between them. Both planets may be in direct motion, or one may be direct and the other retrograde, or both may be in retrograde motion. See also Mutual Application.
Aquarian AgeA period of 2,160 years where the vernal equinox is found in the sign of Aquarius. We are currently on the cusp of the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius and there is debate about whether the Aquarian Age has already begun. See also Precession.
Arabic PartA significant calculated point in the sky whose position is derived from a combination of other significant points or planets. Derived from Arabic astrology.